Tuition and Fees

Our mission is to make dance affordable and accessible to all who want to participate. To that end, we avoid high costume costs and recital fees, and offer flexible payment plans upon request.

Fall 2024 Youth Tuition Rates

Please note the following changes to our tuition policy for Fall 2024:

1. There will be a one-time $15 setup fee for all families at the beginning of each semester.

2. We will no longer accept checks, and will instead transition fully to online invoicing and payments.

3. Starting this fall, families will have the choice between paying in-full at the beginning of the semester or signing up for a monthly auto-draft payment.

Enroll in monthly tuition auto-draft at the links below:

Pay full semester up front at the links below:

Adult classes are now offered as a monthly membership!

$70/month auto-billed for unlimited classes!

$50 student monthly pass with valid university ID

$17 adult drop-in classes

$12 student drop-ins with valid university ID

See full schedule HERE!